Beyond the Pill: 3 Trending Supplement Formats
New formats like stick packs, patches and melts have received increased market share as consumers facing pill fatigue look for alternatives.
Transforming CPG eCommerce with Machine Learning and AI
Explore the AI-driven revolution in CPG eCommerce, where machine learning streamlines inventory management and delivers personalized shopping experiences like never before.
How CPG Companies can Fight Inflation without Raising Prices
Consumers are altering their behavior at the store, making more cost-conscious purchases. What can companies in the CPG space do to ease the impact that inflation has on their bottom line without driving away customers through price hikes?
From Idea to Launch — Four Product Development Secret Weapons
Scientists are looking at the connection between gut and mental health – studying the effect of healthy microbiome on conditions like depression, anxiety and Parkinsons.
Winter Feature Series: Steve Michaelsen
This month we sat down for a conversation with Leisure Project co-founder & President, Steve Michaelsen, about the beverage industry, NFTs and brand development.
5 Steps of Design Thinking Part 1: A Crash Course in Empathy
Picture an elegant, streamlined, massively powerful technological solution that nobody wants. There’s no need to imagine it. They are everywhere, all around.
Designing Apps for Behavior Change
Creating meaningful behavior change requires creating a user experience that provides sufficient motivation, ability, and triggers.
Go with the Pros: 6 Reasons Why Professional Website Designers Are Worth It
It’s hard to imagine running a modern business that does not have an online presence. After all, informative, accessible websites are something customers expect. If you’re looking to put up a webpage, you’ve got two options..
Creating an eCommerce Funnel to Maximize Conversions
Many e-commerce companies struggle in building an eCommerce funnel that is streamlined and perpetually engaging to maximize conversions.
Embracing the Importance of UX/UI Design
Brands must ensure that the design of their technology enhances the values embodied in both its “UX” and “UI” characteristics.